+ 39 0383 3371 info@idreco.com

Waste To Energy Plant NYSA Poland


We are glad to inform you that on last July 21st 2023, Idreco-Kablitz-WTEC Consortium has been awarded of the Contract for the design and execution of the Waste-to-energy plant to be installed at Nysa town in Poland to produce Power from municipal wastes.


The execution of this installation is part of the much broader national energy and ecological transition plan and as such has had wide resonance and attention in the national media


The Waste-to-Energy plant has a capacity to treat 15.000 ton/tear of municipal wastes producing, from such wastes, Thermal Power that will be used in the city district heating and Electrical Power which will be fed into the national electricity grid.

This solution will allow to the NEC Company to reduce the Coal and Gas consumption, currently used in the city district heating with large benefit to the citizens and to the environment, too.

This is an evident and clear confirmation that what is commonly indicated as WASTE BECOME A RESOURCE.


IDRECO has specifically in charge the design and installation of the Flue Gas Treatment Unit to clean the Flue gas coming from the waste combustion before the delivery to the atmosphere.

Concentration of pollutants achieved by IDRECO technology will be absolutely compliant with the reference applicable environmental law, but are expected to be far under such law limits.


This achievement is a further confirmation of the IDRECO know-how and of the reliable and skills of our Company, so appreciated by the main international players.

The Versatility and reliability of IDRECO’s own technologies allows to our Company to also successfully approach and get the opportunities given by the GREEN ECONOMY and by the ECOLOGICAL TRANSITION.

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Idreco activities and products promotion on GCC Countries

Idreco is expanding its market!

We would like to highlight that today Idreco has signed with HH Sheikha Mouza Investment & Consulting LLC located in Abu Dhabi a cooperation agreement for promotion and support of its own activities and products on GCC Countries.

Support of HH Sheikha Mouza Investment & Consulting LLC will allow to Idreco a successful expansion on that market!

HOVIONE (Macau): Engineering activitis for Incinerator revamping

We are proud to inform that on last March 2021, HOVIONE awarded to our Company the Contract for the execution of the engineering activities finalized to the refurbishment and revamping of the incinerator managing their own produced wastes installed at their Macau facility.

We are very proud to announce this achievement since of is applicable to an engineering activity concerning the goods supplied to Hovione more than 30 years ago.

The involvement of IDRECO by Hovione since of so many years is a confirmation about the quality of our works, of our after-sale services and of the care applied by IDRECO to its Clients.

This achievement is a demonstration that the quality and the care applied by IDRECO to any executed job are a great investment!

AVAX (Greece): Self Cleaning Gravity Filter

The Greek EPC Contractor AVAX awarded to IDRECO the contract for the supply of the Side Filtration Water Package to be installed at Aghios Dimitrios Power Plant.
The Package, among other supplies, also includes a Gravity Self Cleaning Sand Filter, 9 meters diameter, double filtration chamber, designed to treat 1200 m3/h of water with TSS removal efficiency higher than 90%.
This achievement that, once more, confirm the trust of the International players about IDRECO capabilities, on Water Treatment and not only.

AVAX (Greece): Condensate Filtration Package

The Greek EPC Contractor AVAX awarded to IDRECO the Contract for the supply of No. 2 Condensate Filtration Packages to be installed at Besmaya phase 3 Thermal Power Plant in Iraq. Each of the 2 Packages is equipped with 2 Filters each one designed to treat 1130 m3/h of Raw Condensate. Each of the 4 filters is equipped with high performance backwashable cartridge filtering elements.
The 2 Packages will be supplied as one-piece only, completely assembled on skid frame allowing an easy and fast on-site installation, as like as a “plug-in” installation.
This awarding is following the awarding of the same Packages to our company for Besmaya phase 2.
This is a demonstration of the high reliability and performance of the executed works for Besmaya PP phase 2, that has been successfully put in service.
The achieved result is a confirmation of Idreco’s engineering know how as well as its competence and reliability in the design and supply of industrial infrastructures, capabilities well recognized and appreciated by main national and international industrial players.

ISO 14001 Certification

On June 25th 2020, Idreco has been certified according to ISO 14001.

This achievement confirms once more IDRECO’s sensitivity concerning the respect of the environment in the context of its own production activities.

Eurotecnica (Italy): Melamine Steam Tube Dryer for Chinese Facility in Shanxi

Idreco has been awarded by Italian Contractor EUROTECNICA the Contract for the design, manufacturing and supply of N° 1 Rotary Steam Tube Dryer for Melamine application for the Melamine Plant located  in  Shanxi, Jinfeng (P.R. of China).

The Steam Tube Dryer has a capacity of 60.000 metric ton/year of Melamine crystals with residual moisture lower than 0.1%.

This achievement confirms once more IDRECO as worldwide leading Company in the design and manufacturing of Steam Tube Dryers, in industrial production processes, with particular reference to Melamine applications.

Rotary Dryer: Skid Solution

A great way to restart the activities after this very detrimental and critical lockdown period. IDRECO has tested rotary dryer for MINING FIELD application supplied to a main international player. Thanks to its own reliable and referenced know-how on such kind of equipment, IDRECO has been able to implement a very compact solution: the dryer has been designed, manufactured and supplied completely skid mounted as one-piece-only, allowing a very easy and fast site installation and start-up.

BOREALIS – Kallo (Belgium): Waste Water Treatment System

IDRECO Water Treatment division got another success.
Borealis Company awarded to IDRECO the design, manufacturing, testing and delivery of the Waste Water
Treatment system for its Kallo site (Belgium).
This prestigious results , that come after the recent achievement of Contracts by other IDRECO Divisions,
once more confirm the high reliability of our Company for the supply of plants concerning a wide range of
industrial applications and sectors.